Santa Monica California Pacific Park Pier at night, Impasto Oil Photograph
Venice Canals California Canoes Watercolor Photograph
Venice California Canal bridges and street signs Impasto Oil Photograph
Log Cabin Valley Forge PA Watercolor Photograph Valley Forge National Historical Park Log Cabin encampment where the Continental Army spent the winter of 1777–1778
Covered Bridge Revolutionary Civil War Road Impasto Photograph, Knox Bridge, Valley Forge PA on Yellow Springs Rd., at the intersection with Valley Creek Rd. Spanning Valley Creek.
©2009 David Zanzinger, all rights reserved. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines for violation. Call 310-980-5156 for assignments, licensing and more information. Thank you very much.
©2009 David Zanzinger, all rights reserved. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines for violation. Call 310-980-5156 for assignments, licensing and more information. Thank you very much.